Wednesday, December 20, 2006

New CCAA Regulations Hits the Press and Twins?!

In the adoption world we've been hearing about new guidelines the CCAA will be imposing on those seeking to adopt from China. Today it finally hit the press. Here's a link to the article written in the Wall Street Journal.
Thank goodness none of the new guidelines will affect our adoption or any future adoptions in China. With the wait as long as it's been, we're just not sure if our second adoption will be in China.

Our paperwork has started to expire with this excruciatingly long wait and as I've begun to refile I noticed that we requested 2 children! What?! How could I have forgotten something as huge as that?! I guess I just didn't let myself think we'd ever be that lucky. Talking to our social worker recently, I mentioned this and she said we are prime targets for being matched with twins! This got us so excited but once again, it's rare and most likely won't happen. We will feel so lucky with one!!!

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