Thursday, May 10, 2012

Nothing better than red shoes in my book.  

This little guy talks up a storm.  He loves anything red and blue.  He's very good at "I spy with my little eye."  He loves his cookies.  He's very sensitive and will give the biggest hugs ever.  He likes to sing, "Twinkle, Twinkle,"  "Wheels on the Bus," and "Puff the Magic Dragon."  He can ride his tricycle around the entire block.  He loves to watch "Calliou," "Franklin," and "Peppa Pig."  He often yells at me to bring him marshmallows even though we rarely have them.  He likes baseball "most."  Almost every sentence ends with "otaaaaaay????"  He is very, very shy but when he warms up, watch out.  There's a whole lot of silliness and brains in there.  
Thank you George for lighting up my life, you are perfectly wonderful!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Coolest kid in town! Red shoes, awesome patch pants and a 'cool dude' shirt. What's more? A Ryder Trike! Lucy, you may have inspired a new pair of tennies for this mama.

Love ya, M