Friday, November 02, 2007


Playing in the sewing room. Modeling the dress I made for her out of an old wool sweater.

I really feel like Magnolia turned ONE. She is learning and growing so much. The week before her birthday she really started to walk without me being in the room, without me there to cheer her on. I taught her once to hold up her index finger when I asked how old she is. She has done it on cue without skipping a beat ever since. She has also fooled me into thinking she's really hurt when I hear her crying while playing only to rush to her side to discover that she's just demonstrating frustration. That's a new one. We've also upgraded our reading time to more books, more advanced books, and longer sitting time for them. She even asks for "more" when we finish a book and peers over the chair looking for more books to read. She also falls asleep while I read to her. I love this very much. We pretty much stayed in the house all week which led to long reading times together and playing in the sewing room. We did venture to the doctor's for her one year check up and she's doing very well. We also went to the library storyhour, out to lunch with friends, and made our weekly trip to Goodwill. Tomorrow our social worker is coming for our first post placement visit. Other than that, our lazy week around the house continues to a lazy weekend around the house. Perfect.

1 comment:

The Pruntys said...

Happy Birthday Magnolia! I can't believe how quickly time is flying. I love her Halloween costume, and the photos with all of her cousins on her birthday. She is so sweet!