Monday, February 04, 2008


We went to the Chicago suburbs for a mini getaway. George wanted to go suit shopping and I'm always up for some shopping. We stayed at The Lodge at the McDonald's Hamburger University campus. It was very nice and very quiet, we had a great stay. They had a beautiful pool and lots of hallways to run up and down.
We had a wonderful dinner at the hotel. We were just about the only ones in the place, it was very quiet and relaxing. Here's Magnolia helping daddy look over the menu. She's willing to eat just about anything, including the long anchovy that was on my casear salad! Magnolia was very observant of the cloth napkins we were using. We finally realized what she was doing with the edge of the tablecloth! Loving The Land of Nod and the little fire engine truck. One word here. Zapped. Ikea will do that to you. Nothing like french fries and chocolate milk to fix that.
Note George in the background inspecting that swinging chair. Yep, it came home with us. Where we'll put it, no one knows.
What a great rejuvenating weekend, a much needed break from this unrelenting weather.
George found some suits, I found some really good bargains, and I think Magnolia had a blast.


Anonymous said...

The napkin pic is precious!! She really is a mimic! xx00x0 nana

Anonymous said...

The napkin pic is precious!! She really is a mimic! xx00x0 nana

Anonymous said...

Now that Magnolia has been introduced to the inner sanctum of Krocland, she will always have a mysterious and irresistable desire for ketchup.

Papa Pat
(B.A. in Hamburgerology)

The Pruntys said...

Magnolia is so darn cute. I took Jack to storytime at the library today and there was a little Chinese boy there wearing squeaky shoes! I thought of Magnolia. They were so cute and made everyone laugh. Maybe that's what Jack needs to get him walking before Baby #2 arrives! :)


Jennifer said...

Looks like a really fun time :) I bet Magnolia will love the chair :)

Jodie said...

The swinging chair made me laugh! And Magnolia is just so cute. You always capture good photos.

Emily said...

The napkin pic is very sweet. What a little mimic is right!
That chair will be so much fun for magnolia in the years to come, I envision her curled up napping and swinging in it...lake house or home??
Love, Emily

Emily said...

What's with the Dean's Chocolate Milk Lucy?? I'll send you plenty o'coupons for Organic Valley Chocolate Milk-a much better product...

Love, Emily

Lucy said...

Sorry Emily for not supporting OV but you'll have to talk to IKEA about this one...we bought it there. The funny this is that when I was at Walmart to buy snacks for the trip I was psyched to see what I thought at the time was nonrefriderated OV chocolate milk only to realize at home that it was HORIZON! Yak! I remember how much Magnolia loved it the last time we were at your house. I thought it would be great for the trip and a very special treat...but how can I get it? By the way, I tried that Dean milk and it tasted so artificial...yuk. Nothing like OV's chocolate milk!