Sunday, March 09, 2008

Happy Daylight Savings

Daylight Saving Time

In Spring when maple buds are red,
We turn the Clock an hour ahead;
Which means, each April that arrives,
We lose an hour,
Out of our lives.

Who cares? When Autumn birds in flocks
Fly southward, back we turn the Clocks,
And so regain a lovely thing-
That missing hour
We lost last Spring.

-Phyllis McGinley
Friday Magnolia and I drove to Oshkosh, WI to go to the Oshkosh B'Gosh outlet mall. She wore her Oshkosh B'Gosh sweatsuit our neighbor gave her. It was an Oshkosh kind of day.
Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. We stayed busy recreating my sewing room (photos to come). Yay for daylight savings. We're happy to have that extra hour of light in the evening!

1 comment:

Jodie said...

Lucy you are too much!! Everyone else I know is grumbling about being tired etc. and there you are: rainbows and sunshine all around because its daylight savings time. :) Don't ever change.