Tuesday, May 05, 2009

I cannot believe George is one month already! He's doing great, he's waking up a lot more, eating a lot more, and getting fussy a lot more! We're all trying to settle into this new normal and find our new places in the family. It's definitely trickier with two and I'm still trying to figure it all out. Getting out is still too daunting. We do it, but only if necessary. Magnolia continues to be a very sweet big sister to her brother but she also feels the pain of having to share her mommy and daddy. All in all she's handling it well. Wish I got a better one month picture of George but it's near impossible since I pretty much carry him all day in my sling. These were the few moments that I wasn't carrying him today.
Today my sister and her two little girls came to visit. It was a beautiful day and the girls loved playing together. My sister is due to have a third daughter in just 6 weeks, we can't wait to meet her!

Sophia (1.5) Lilah (4) Magnolia (2.5)

We are getting ready for our first trip as a family of four. We're heading to St. Louis to visit family. It's been a year and we can't wait to see everyone and experience more of a spring than we have here! Hoping the long road trip won't be as hard as I imagine it to be, we'll see!


Jboo said...

Wow -- one month already -- that went fast!! He is so adorable and cuddly!!

Have a great road trip to visit your family. I'm sure it will be a fun time!


Jennifer said...

One month wow........I cannot believe I have not shipped his gift yet :( Maybe I should give it to you when you are in town..lol :)

Love the pictures!
