Friday, May 08, 2009

We're settling in much better around here. The past few days have been good. I'm starting to see a pattern emerge in our days and patterns in George's fussy times. I'm learning to accept that he cries, he's a newborn. It's hard for me to hear it, I just want to fix it. I know I'll get used to it more and more. We ran a lot of errands this week and it was so much easier. He's the fussiest in the evenings, right before bed. I've been putting him in my sling and walking to calm him down. I've laid down the law with Magnolia as far as her crying when he cries moments. She knows I'm not buying it anymore and I suppose it's gotten old for her too. Now when he cries she just covers her ears or walks off to play in silence. :) George captured this shot of the two of them this morning. Magnolia told him all about the sea creatures in her book. He's not all that impressed.

We're all packed and ready to go on our trip to St. Louis. It's been 9 months since we've taken such a long trip and I can't wait! Happy Mother's Day to all of you mommies out there! I'll see you in a week!


Jboo said...

Sounds like you are all getting into a great groove!

Have a wonderful trip and Mother's Day!


Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

I am glad you are getting into a routine!! We had a tough time with Sarah at night seemed just after dinner each night she was really fussy and would cry...nothing we did would work....eventually the swing helped!! Hang in there, it doesn't last too long!!

Have a wonderful trip and a Happy Mother's Day!!

Jennifer said...

Happy Mother's Day Lucy! This is such a special one for you! Looking forward to your visit!


Bridget said...

Hi Lucy -

I am so far behind on looking at my blogs. Glad things are going better. I am sure it takes a while to get into a groove. I hope you are enjoying your trip to St. Louis - I wish I were there as well. Hopefully you will find some cute buys at Womens Exchange:) Hope the trip is going great and you are able to enjoy your time away!
