Thursday, November 11, 2010

My Magnolia

I always worry about Magnolia.  I don't know if it goes back to her being sick in China or if she just seems so fragile to me.  I wasn't, however, the least bit worried about her at her four year check up.  That's why I was so surprised when the doctor told me she has an irregular heart beat.  I didn't know what that meant.  She seemed fine.  He asked if she gets tired easily when active or if she turns blue?  My goodness, no!  I followed his instructions and took to her Children's Hospital for an EKG the next day.  Results came in that in fact she does have PVCs (premature ventricle contractions) and that they are probably harmless but she's having a lot of them.  We were advised we see a cardiologist.  The appointment is next week.  I've been told this isn't serious, her doctor is telling me he's sure she's fine but I just can't help but worry...


Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you! Please keep us posted~


Casey said...

Sending prayers to you and sweet Magnolia! I understand the worry... it's our jobs. :) But I'm sure she is going to do great!! And it's good you have such a good team of doctors watching over her! Keep us posted!