Monday, June 10, 2013

I will miss our Monday, Tuesday, Thursday lunches right before school.  
This is his last lunch being a K3 preschooler.
We head to school for his last day to see their spring concert.
He brought his "ah-ah baby" everyday.  The teachers would let him keep it with him through "treasure time" and then he would have to go and put it in his cubby for the rest of the day.  On the days I would volunteer I saw this routine and also witnessed him going out to his cubby periodically to bend over and hug it for a brief moment of comfort before continuing with his day.  :)
I dressed him for this last day but he added the bow tie all on his own!
We really didn't think he would participate!  For the Christmas concert he ran to me right away so this time we were prepared to watch all of the other children...not our own!  Like my dad says, George is full of surprises and on this day he did.  He waved and smiled and sang his little heart out.
I think I cried the entire time.  Our little boy really grew up during the school year.  He really came out of his shy, shy shell and his personality really blossomed.  He is a very funny and sweet little boy.  He has the biggest heart I've ever known and his emotional intelligence surpasses many grown adults.  He is a pure delight for all of us!
This song was my favorite!!!  "I am a big oak tree.  Stuck in the ground is me. If I had just one wish, I would dance like this.  I'd do a little bump, I'd do a little twist.  I'd do a little jump, and wiggle just like this.  I'd do the funky chicken as silly as I know.  I'd pack my trunk, and hit the road!"

"Two little black birds sitting on a hill.  One named Jack and one named Jill.  Fly away Jack.  Fly away   Jill.  Come back Jack, come back Jill..."
Congratulations Georgie!  You did it!  I hate to say I never thought you would, but I did.  I even thought about taking you out after Christmas.  Some days were hard getting to school and it broke my heart to have the teachers tear you away from me while you sobbed your eyes out.  BUT, you adjusted and really grew to like school.  You gained confidence, you made friends, and most of all, you came out of your extremely painful shyness.  There were days you did not want to draw any attention to yourself like the day you wore your superman shirt and your teacher said it was the perfect day to wear it as you were going to learn the superman prayer at snack time.  You wore your coat over that shirt all day long.  By the end of the year you went to school with a very short haircut.  You wore it proudly, smiled and showed it off.  You said "thank you" to all the moms and teachers who said they loved your haircut.  And if I might dare to say that you liked the attention!  You loved the routine school brought you just like you like the routine we established early on with you at home.  By mid year, as I struggled what to do with you next year, you told me you wanted to go to Maggie's school after we visited a Montessori.  It was that simple, you were right.  You are going to love the routine the K4 program will bring you and you are going to love seeing Maggie in the halls.  It's a place you know and it is familiar to you.  For now, before I can even imagine you in such a big, big school, I'm keeping you home with ME all summer and are going to have a blast!!!

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