Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Family Day & Lymes Disease 2014

We celebrated Gotcha Day by trying to eat dinner out.  Georgie had been sick but we decided to have a quick bite at California Pizza Kitchen.  As soon as we arrived everything was irritating George, the music, the lights, the smells.  He cried and cried and laid his head down in the booth.  We couldn't bare it so we ordered our meal to go and headed back home where he seemed much happier.  He was having fevers and headaches and I was up with him most of the nights as we tried to comfort him.  Back at home he quickly got in pjs and we opened gifts.  The kids decided to make gifts for us this year to celebrate our family which was super sweet.

 We gave Magnolia this cute this purse we bought for her while we were in China.

 We gave Georgie this special little turtle.

 After seeing a doctor at an urgent care who told us it was viral I went to help him out of his carseat that summer day after swimming at the pool and saw this tell tale ring around his ear.  I watched it as it faded in and out and I started to wonder if I was imagining it.  I called our pediatrician and we got in right away.  George was miserably sick in the office, barely able to sit up.  Our doctor looked and looked at him and I asked if it could be Lymes Disease.  He wasn't sure.  He spent a lot of time with us in the room puzzled by it and in one last ditch effort, we decided to strip him down and lay him down on the exam table and his red bullseye marks came back again and we started to see faint ones on the rest of his body.  No point in testing him for it,  we needed to treat him right away.  Three solid weeks of hardcore antibiotics.  I nearly fell of the chair in his office, I thought this would be something George would have to live with, that everything would change.  Turns out we caught it early and he's 100% cured.

 By the way, we never saw the tick bite and we are assuming he got bitten on the island.  There was one night where his back itched and I itched it for him, thinking it was just a mosquito bite.

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