Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Blogging, Wellies, & Up

I've changed the header of the blog. It seems more appropriate now that Magnolia is home with us and our lives really are all about Magnolia. :) I can't take credit for the title, it was my dad's witty suggestion. Thanks dad. ;)
I ran errands tonight and the above photos are what I found on the camera when I got home. Why not wear wellies right before bed, in sleeper and all? She does love her shoes! George is on a roll of putting Magnolia in her crib to fall asleep. This is huge for us. She used to cry and reach for us if we set her in there. The only way she would fall asleep was in our arms and then we would set her in the crib but she was no longer able to put herself to sleep. This was okay for us, we felt she did that long enough in the orphanage and we wanted her know that we were always there for her. We wanted her to know that if she would cry, we would respond to her. We wanted her to know what a mommy and daddy was. He still has to stay in the room until she falls asleep but the fact that we've gotten this far is a huge milestone, it's a real testament of her trust in us.Magnolia wants to get "up" on everything now. She says "up" which makes it pretty hard to resist. I was stripping all the beds to get ready for company this weekend and she wanted "up" so we spent quite a bit of time jumping on the beds which was great fun!

If you get a chance, check out my sister's blog. You'll see Magnolia's adorable cousins there!


Anonymous said...

Now the presures on to keep posting, eh?! I love those Wellies on Magnolia! She is growing so fast! I sure hope we make it to your home on Saturday--we are planning on coming provided no one is sick. :0)

Kiss that face for me! Congrats on the major trust gains--she's smart, she knows she is loved by you both! Emily

Anonymous said...

I can't even begin to say how thankful I am that you, Emily and Jodie all have blogs now. It makes me feel closer to everyone, eventhough we are so far away. I love all the posts. It's amazing how much Magnolia has grown! She is absolutely beautiful! I really want to meet her!

I hope that you have fun this weekend...with everyone. I can't wait to see the pictures. We are geared up here in Packers wear although we are in Indy. People just think that we are crazy!

Hope we can make it up to visit you or you will be in Indiana some time this summer! Please kiss Magnolia for me. And be sure to tell George I say Hi.

Love and Miss you,

Anonymous said...

It's the simple things that make our hearts throb with love and joy, with our child too. And it's a joyous affirmation of that love to recognize those same feelings in you with Magnolia. Thank you for sharing such sublime moments with us, your adoring friends :)

Tom, Chris & Charlie.

Lucy said...

So good to hear from you! My mom and dad keep me updated on you but it would be fun to visit and catch up! If you and Nate are up in WI anytime soon, we would love to meet up with you guys.
Take care, tell Nate hello and go Pack. :) Love, Lucy

Lucy said...

Thank you Tom, Christine, & Charlie for such a sweet message. I'm thinking of you guys all the time, anxiously awaiting the arrival of your baby! Don't forget that we're right in your backyard if you need anything! :)
Love, Lucy