Tissue paper flowers, origami lights, paper magnolias, pearls and tutus. I've been busy preparing for a someone special's 2nd birthday!
I haven't been on the computer much lately. I've regained a whole lot of energy so I'm busy catching up on about 3 months worth of stuff that needed to get done around here.
I'll be back soon with pictures of Miss M's Birthday!
Have a great week everyone!
To my greatest surprise in life, I am pregnant!
While we are just now starting to get excited around here, it has been a rough couple of months. We are guarded and scared and hopeful all at the same time. We have been trying to get used to this surprise...the surprise that I actually got pregnant without any help and getting used to the idea of having a baby this way. We swore never again to a pregnancy. The human mind is amazingly adaptable and we are starting to adjust and switch gears and gain hope. Our past is a long one and sometimes too painful to talk about but I am slowly starting to share it on another blog that I created for this pregnancy. There you may come to understand our anxieties and fears. I am finding it very therapeutic to write on that blog so that's it's sole purpose right now. I'm hoping to witness a change in my state of mind through the next 27 weeks but I know it's going to be long road. Please come along if you'd like. :) Baby Steps
Magnolia and I went to South Bend this past weekend. We met my sister in Milwaukee and drove together, stopping in Chicago to do some shopping. My parents are living in South Bend part time while my dad does business there. We also got to see my aunt, cousins and my brother and his whole family. My dad got us AWESOME seats for the Notre Dame vs. Stanford game on Saturday. We had a blast and Magnolia loved staying with Nana & Papa feeding their dog spaghetti and wearing Nana's lipstick. She cried for me once but Nana told her I was shopping and that was the end of it!
Visiting downtown South Bend Saturday morning. Magnolia wearing her Notre Dame blue and gold. Auntie Emame (Emily) gave Magnolia Jelly Bellies and now they're friends for life.
We stopped at our favorite Italian deli for subs and of course, wonderful cookies and desserts. Here's Magnolia outside picking her cookie out of the box, no surprise...the chocolate dipped one!
Magnolia and her cousin. Ceci. Her other cousins were there too but I didn't get any pictures of them, they were all rough housing, running wild, and having a great time.
Aunt Emily and Cousin Amanda outside my grandparents house. It now sits empty and is on the market but my parents have recently been occupying it while my dad does some business in South Bend. I hadn't stayed there since I was a little girl, it was nice to feel the comfort of my childhood memories. We had such a nice time. As always, thanks Mom and Dad for everything...for watching Mags, for the football game, and for all of the meals and gifts!!! xoxo