Wednesday, December 09, 2009

George turned 8 months this week! He loves to laugh and wrestle. He loves to stand up but won't crawl. He loves to drink from a cup. He's been cutting his top two teeth for two and a half months. He thinks it's hilarious when I do sign language. He laughs his head off every single time. What a corker. He's so much fun. I just love him to pieces.
***My three girls would have been 5 years old today. I will always miss them and the lives they will never have. I am so grateful for the two amazing gifts they gave us. xoxjamxoxo


Jboo said...

Oh Lucy -- he is so adorable! What a cute little face. He and Magnolia are such joys, aren't they! I am so sorry for the loss of your three girls.


Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

I just want to reach out and grab his precious little cheeks!!! He is so adorable!! Happy 8 months sweet little guy:)

Oh Lucy, I am so sorry for the loss of your girls..... I know they are never far from your thoughts and always in your heart.



Bridget said...

George is such a cutie!!! Hard to believe he is already 8 months old! I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet girls. I am happy for you that you have your sweet Magnolia and little George.

Hope you guys are enjoying the holiday season!


Anonymous said...

Happy 8 months, George!! Oh my Lucy, he is an absolute doll....I love his cheekies!! Just so loveable!

I am so sorry for the loss of your girls. The date, as are your girls, will always be special and close to your heart.



Jill said...

Happy 8 months George! Wow! Look at those cheeks! I tell ya, he and Viv are going to be our rolly polly ones! LOL! Lucy is such a stick, I am not used to such a growing girl!
Thanks for the update on George! Before you know it he is going to be running through the house! They grow up WAY to fast!
You've got quite the cutie there Lucy!