Wednesday, March 17, 2010

George turned 11 months last week!  I cannot believe we are soon to be celebrating his first birthday!  
Sometime a couple of months back he decided he hated bathtime.  The only way we could give him a bath without screaming and trying to climb out of the tub was to put him in the sink.  This is how he's been taking baths ever since.  I'm afraid he's going to be outgrowing that sink in no time though!   He is busy walking along furniture these days and climbing the stairs.  We've had gorgeous weather here and I pulled out Magnolia's old Radio Flyer and put a bucket in it to weight it down and he loves to push this around.  I think I'm going to have a picky eater on my hands.  He loves to throw his food, spit it out when he doesn't like it and seem to only want bread or noodles.  Oh how I've been spoiled with Magnolia eating the lettuce off my plate!  He continues to love to wrestle, his balls, and quiet time.  He loves the "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and tries to do the hand movements when I sing it.  He's working on his shape sorter and putting things inside of things and dumping them back out again.  If I say "choo choo, " he'll find his train and bring it to me.  He pulls cords out of the electrical sockets and chews the cords. He pulled toilet paper out of the toilet the other day and was eating that.  He gets into the dirt in the plants and knows how to take the cabinet lock off the cabinet under the sink.   He keeps me BUSY!    If Magnolia takes a long nap he will cry and fuss until she wakes up and then becomes dramatically happier.   Happy 11 months George IV, you are such a stinker and I love you!


Jboo said...

Oh my gosh -- he is adorable! How did 11 months fly by so quickly! He sounds all boy! Nice that you are having such lovely weather! Great photos! Happy 11 months George!


Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

I feel like I say this every time I visit, but....OH MY GOSH, he is absolutely adorable!! I love these photos and can barely believe that he is already 11 months old.

Hope everything is going well for you.....I am sure you are very have so much going on in your life, but it is all very exciting!



Franciscan Spirituality Center said...

He has your eyes, amazing! Beautiful kiddos, so happy that they are happy and loving this wonderful, spring weather! Miss you guys!

Bridget said...

Oh George is too cute!!! I love that he gets into everything:) Hard to believe he is already 11 months!!! He is an absolute doll!! hope all's well!!! Have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

Happy 11 months George!

anne & david said...

i adore these B&W photos...especially the one of george in the sink capturing his reflection in the mirror. happy spring! xxx

Melissa said...

Hello friend! Your creative photography is a joy to see and even more the fun with those darling little ones. Sounds like you are keeping busy chasing George...It'll keep you slim and teach him how to run. Orange you glad its spring! Love, MJM

Jill said...

Oh Lucy!!!! He and Viv are SO MUCH ALIKE! LOL!!! Itsy bitsy spider is her fav, and at any given time you can find her chewing on a cord...such a HUGE difference from my Lucy!! I giggled the ENTIRE way through your post! I even told my MIL today that if Viv had been our first, she might have been our last! Heehee! Your George is simply adorable, and looks like such a ham! I cannot believe his first birthday is right around the corner!! AGH!
What are you guys planning?